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黒田卓光 2012年12月入社/理工学部科学化卒/産業機器事業部 電子機材部

Description of Duties

I market pharmaceuticals and resins that have been imported from overseas within Japan. 80 percent of my sales are products that have been imported from overseas, or products that another company has imported from overseas.

Reasons for Joining Our Company

Initially, the job advertisement had been posted as being from a company recommended by my alma mater. Also, I am from Kyoto Prefecture, so ultimately, I wanted to work in the Kansai region, and I chose a company that had its headquarters in Kansai. Additionally, in 2010, when I was job hunting, the effects of the 2008 downturn were still being felt, and under those circumstances, I was also attracted to the solid financial structure of Kohyei Trading, which had operated in the black since its establishment. I had an interview, and what the President had to say was fascinating. The person in charge of recruitment also had no pretense or anything like that. I felt that the atmosphere here was comfortable.

First Year After Joining

In becoming a working adult, I learned first-hand that reporting, contacting, and consulting are even more important than I had thought. That being said, I think that it is important not just to report the facts, but to discuss and get advice on your own ideas about things like what actions you plan to take thereafter, and to be understood. In terms of the importance of reporting, contacting, and consulting, I felt that there was a difference between this and what it had been like when I was a student, but I was receiving just the right advice from my supervisor, so I did not feel uneasy.

I work in the Basic Chemicals Division. In our division, it is necessary to understand the properties of the substances in the products we handle, but as I originally studied science in university and had a bit of experience with chemical substances, I was able to enter the chemicals business comfortably.


I get a sense of fulfillment when our profits go up and we are recognized from outside of the company. Being appreciated inside the company is also gratifying, but recognition from outside of the company makes me feel especially happy because it is coming not from the small world that is our company, but from people who are familiar with all aspects of the business world.

When I had just joined the company, I considered only our in-house standards, and approached my work with a "this much should be fine" attitude. My boss at that time, though, told me, "I don't look for people who can do passable work only at Kohyei Trading. I want to work together at Kohyei Trading with people who can get the job done anywhere." I reconsidered my approach, and since then, I have been conscious of my own standing within the business world, and I think I cannot be satisfied with the status quo.
I am conscious of the fact that clients are choosing Kohyei Trading from among the many trading companies in the world, and choosing me from among everyone at Kohyei Trading.

To that end, fulfilling the client's requests is the minimum requirement. The important things in my work are speed and the accuracy of information. I am still learning, but in addition to knowledge on the chemicals we deal in, I am also learning about the business of importing and exporting as it relates to the trading business.

The Appeal of Kohyei Trading

The things that appeal to me are the company's solid financial structure and the opportunity to do business with wonderful suppliers at a company of 100 people.